Hotel Locks and controllers
When guests feel at home in your hotel in your hotel ,it leaves a long lasting impression that they never forget. Most guests want a comfortable and inviting atmosphere helping them relax at the end of the day.
We promise an efficient and optimal locks that ensures
- Low energy costs
- Beautiful aesthetics and finish for your business
- Simple management system
- Better service, loyalty and customer satisfaction

Access controls which allow third party intergration with other door opener Apps
- Bluetooth function
- Door opening by mobile key
- Easy installation
- Luxury design
- Different versions (stainless steel, brush, polished brush)

Climate controls
- Real-time temperature control,
- Three ventilation levels
- Selectable
- Automatic mode for ventilation
- Selectable On / Off switch

Lighting Controls
· High -Quality lighting concepts to create light scenarios
· Pre-programmed lighting scenarios
· Switching and dimming options